
Unlimited Broadband

Unlimited usage, reliable and fast fibre for your home or business


Fibre Broadband for Home or Business with FREE Installation

Premium Connectivity with Unlimited Downloads and no fair usage

Fibre 40/10
£27.50 exc. VAT
  • Up to 40Mb Download Speeds
    Up to 10Mb Upload Speeds
  • Activation charge £ 0.00
  • Download a 4K HD film around 80 minutes.
  • 18-Month Minimum Contract
Fibre 80/20
£28.00 exc. VAT
  • Up to 80Mb Download Speeds
    Up to 20Mb Upload Speeds
  • Activation charge £ 0.00
  • Download a 4K HD film in around 40 minutes.
  • 18-Month Minimum Contract
Fibre 330/50
£35.00 exc. VAT
  • Up to 330Mb Download Speeds
    Up to 50Mb Upload Speeds
  • Activation charge £ 0.00
  • Download a 4K HD film in around 9 minutes.
  • 18-Month Minimum Contract
Fibre 550/75
£40.00 exc. VAT
  • Up to 550Mb Download Speeds
    Up to 75Mb Upload Speeds
  • Activation charge £ 0.00
  • Download a 4K HD film in around 5 minutes.
  • 18-Month Minimum Contract
Fibre 1000/115
£45.00 exc. VAT
  • Up to 1Gb Download Speeds
    Up to 115Mb Upload Speeds
  • Activation charge £ 0.00
  • Download a 4K HD film in around 3 minutes.
  • 18-Month Minimum Contract

Please use our broadband checker for an indication of the maximum speeds your line can support

Unlimited Downloads
Unlimited Downloads

There are no restrictions on the amount you download. No fair usage policies, and no time of day restrictions, just a promise that we will do our best to deliver enough bandwidth within our own network to ensure that we can deliver fast connection speeds to all our users throughout the day.

Unlimited Uploads
Unlimited Uploads

Much the same as our download policy, you are free to upload as much data from your connection as your connection can deliver. There are no shaping restrictions to hinder or slow what you want to upload regardless of the time of day.

Up to 1Gb Downstream
Fibre up to 1Gb Downstream

By directly serving your property with fibre we can deliver speeds up to 1Gb downstream, with the potential to upgrade higher in the future when exchange technology improves. With 1Gb/sec speeds, you can download an average 1 hour 4K high definition film in less than five minutes.

Up to 50Mbps Upstream
Fibre up to 115Mbps Upstream

Upload speeds can be as high as 115Mb. This is the next best alternative to fibre Ethernet circuits which offer symmetrical speeds, but for a much high subscription cost.

Router Required
Router Required

We don't supply routers - mainly because every customer has different requirements. Instead, we don't charge for installation of the broadband - even if a brand new line is required. This means customers are free to choose their own routers suitable for their needs.

Control Panel
Broadband Control Panel

Our broadband Control Panel provides you visibility and control over your connection. Login and you can not only manage your account from a billing perspective, but you can remotely take charge of your connection.

Usage Statistics
Graphical Usage Statistics

Our usage statistics are updated every 30 minutes. They can provide a valuable insight into how your connection is performing and how and when it is used. Whether you use this for home or business purposes the results can be very interesting.

IPv4 and IPv6 Support
IPv4 and IPv6 Support

We fully support IPv6 on our broadband. You can have both a free IPv4 address and a massive /48 IPv6 range at no additional cost. Only when you require additional or static IPv4 addresses do additional fees apply.

SMTP Service
Mail Service

Our SMTP service allows you to send emails via our servers. We can supply access with STARTTLS secure authentication and multiple port numbers to choose from for use on your connection as well as away from home.

UK Based Phone & Email Support
UK Based Phone & Email Support

All our support operates from our head office in South London. Phone calls are answered by trained and experienced staff who between them have handled 100,000's of broadband queries over the years. If you don't want to call, email in and the same team will reply to you regardless of the question.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Common Questions

We offer two types - fibre to your street or fibre direct to your premises. Fibre to your street will then provide broadband over a copper line to your premises from a fibre cabinet. However, we do not provide traditional telephone services on this connection as we use a technology called 'SOGEA'. Fibre to your premises gives you a direct fibre connection from the exchange to your building, offering the best speed and reliability with broadband.

This can depend on engineer availability and what's already at the premises. The average time to install broadband is 7-10 working days.

Many factors can influence the speeds you achieve based on local capacity at the exchange and within CIX's own network. The following are advised acceptable minimum speeds from our carrier, although in reality you achieved speed should be closer to the headline speeds.

End User Downstream Throughput Rates
(Downstream / Upstream)
Standard Minimum Best Efforts Downstream Throughput (Mbps)
40/10 20
80/20 40
330/50 40
550/75 100
1000/115 100

Standard Prices

Activation & Migration Costs

Activation Charges
Activation FREE There is no cost to provide fibre with/to CIX on an 18-month contract on a Standard installation.

Migration Charges
Migration FREE There is no cost to migrate to CIX on an 18-month contract on a Standard installation.

Cease Charges
Cease Charge £ 36.00
exc. VAT
In the event you cease a broadband connection then our carrier applies this fee to us. CIX does not profit from this charge, we simply pass it across at cost.

Free Control Panel to Manage Your Broadband Connection

Control Panel FREE

Our in-house developed control panel provides you with visibility of your connection. This can be helpful in understanding usage, making in-flight changes to IP addresses and reverse DNS, through to modifications to your product type.

Broadband Control Panel

Broadband Availability

Broadband Availability

To confirm whether fibre is available in your area, and the predicted speeds for your phone line or address, please use our broadband availability checker. Within seconds you will have an accurate idea of what you can expect from a connection from CIX.

Availability Checker