
Unlimited Broadband


Ultra Fast Connectivity

Affordable Fibre Leased Lines From CIX

38 Years

38 Years of Conversations on CIX

>Unlimited Fibre

Unlimited Fibre Broadband

Unlimited broadband connections are available, with or without our phone lines. We have simplified our pricing so you don't have an endless choice of caps or contracts. It's just plain and simple unlimited connectivity free from fair usage policies.

Ultra Fast Leased Lines

Ultra Fast Leased Line

If your business finds current broadband connectivity to be limiting in speed or reliability, then it may be time to consider a leased line. Use our instant quoting tool to understand the speeds, technologies and prices available to your address.

Domain Name Registration and Management

Domain Name Registration
& Management

Register and transfer 400+ different types of domains names with CIX. Our control panel provides you with extensive control over every element of the domain from the WHOIS through to domain locks, IPS Tags, and WHOIS privacy.

Windows, Linux & Email Website Hosting

Windows, Linux & Email
Website Hosting

We have a large portfolio of website hosting solutions on our shared platform encompassing the latest operating systems and support for a wide range of scripting languages. Should your needs require it, we also supply a range of dedicated servers providing the ultimate in hosting.

CIX Forums

CIX Forums /

CIX Forums is Europe's premier, and longest running, online source of high quality discussion populated by many thousands of people, and is used up and down the land by political parties, journalists, professionals and individuals alike to exchange ideas, debate views, catch up with friends and be informed of current affairs.